Adobe Illustrator is a powerful graphics tool you can use to create images from scratch.
Below you'll find a selection of images which I produced for a couple of clients and during graphics classes at Tamworth TAFE:
The banner I designed for my one of my clients: This is an early iteration of the heading banner I designed in Illustrator for my Hills St client.
The heading banner I designed for a prospective client: I made this image in Illustrator for a prospective client. The client's business was concerned with electricity so a sine and cosine wave seemed to be a suitable design theme.
A woven effect something like on a blanket: I made this image quite early in my experience with Illustrator. I was just mucking around with partial transparencies and this weaving pattern.
A nice flower effect: This effect was produced by drawing a partially transparent circle and rotating copies of the original circle so that they overlap.
Another class exercise: A number of tools were used to produce this image but the important one to learn is the gradient tool. Illustrator will produce some great effects but only if you know how to use them.
A drawing of a horse float: I produced this image for one of the course units involving a simulated client, namely TuffEnuff Custom Trailers.
Another trailer for the TuffEnuff unit: This is another drawing I did for TuffEnuff Custom Trailers, my simulated client. This time I drew a caravan.
A My Little Pony figure: I produced this image for another course unit involving a simulated client, this time it was Norina Toy Library.
A toy train for the Toy Library client: This is another drawing I made for the Norina Toy Library simulated client. I used the perspective tool in Illustrator to to make these 3D drawings.
A composite Toy Library image: This is a company logo which incorporates three of the drawings I made for the Toy Library client.